Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"Harbingers of Spring"

Every spring these little hepatica are the first of all of "our" wildflowers to appear. They are on a south facing slope, sheltered by the protective tree almost as if they are in a little solarium. We take most of our walks on the horse trails in our neighbor's woods where we see many different wildflowers but for many years, no hepatica. I'll never know if I just missed them or if they weren't there. About ten years ago Gino and I were strolling along one of the newer trails when a little glimpse of lavender caught my eye. The warm spring sun was highlighting the hepatica blossoms about fifteen feet off the path. Every year they return and are spreading away from the tree. Since then we've discovered others here and there throughout the woods, but these are always the first by far. Most years I would have started looking for them by now. But I know they are there, waiting for the new snow to melt and the rays of the sun to reach down and coax them from their winter home to announce that spring has truly arrived.
Unframed original on a 5"X7" canvas-$100 (plus sales tax ) free shipping
To order call 1-877-696-5702 or order at