Monday, April 9, 2007

"Potash and Pussy Willows"

This was Potash Mountain, again, last week. There was another snowstorm coming in and we could see low hanging clouds on the mountain as we drove up 9N. We decided it would be worth a peek from Gailey Hill. This spot is right across the road from where Richie Hall, a friend of my dad’s used to live. The old farmhouse and barns I remember from my childhood are still there. The other day we were greeted with this view and the added bonus of some pussy willows near the road.
This is the third "painting a day" of Potash from different angles. I should explain the strange name. Potash, made from ashes of trees, was used in local soap making. From some vantage points the mountain looks like an upside down kettle for potash. So it was first called Potash Kettle Mountain, then was shortened. Before that the Native Americans called it, "Se-non-go-wah," meaning, "The Great Upturned Pot." I was fascinated by it during our trips to my grandmother’s when I was young and guess I still am. Every evening it leads us from the gallery toward home.